Tank inspection using advanced NDT methods

Client: Equinor             Industry: Oil & GasAsset: TankLocation: Tjeldbergodden, NorwayYear: 2024 Challenge Equinor required a comprehensive tank inspection utilising advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. This approach enhanced inspection efficiency and precision, resulting in a more accurate assessment of the...

Summer Internship: A Q&A with Marina Hole

Why did you decide to choose Axess Technologies for your internship? As a student, it was important for me to work throughout vacations and try to get as much work experience as possible. Axess Technologies...

RFID technology enhances operational efficiency

Client: E&P company             Industry: Oil & GasAsset: FPSOLocation: IndiaYear: 2023 Challenge In recent years, RFID technology has been increasingly adopted in various industries, including Oil and Gas, to enhance operational efficiency, improve safety, and streamline processes. A client...