Onshore Wind

Axess Group places a lot of emphasis on combining complementary services to achieve synergies and efficiency gains during the construction and operations phase of onshore wind farms. 
Our global team of multi-skilled technicians, supported by strong in-house engineering capabilities, enable us to deliver multiple services with the same personnel.

What we offer

Our key value proposition is to tailor integrated service packages to each specific park. We work together with the park operator and other service suppliers to ensure that the wind park keeps running predictably at minimal cost. In our broad service portfolio, we have demonstrated that this approach reduces the number of mobilisations, number of hours on site and costs related to managing supplier interfaces.

Our services within onshore wind include:

These services are supported by Axess Digital’s powerful software suite, Bridge, which improves the efficiency of our inspections and the quality and consistency of inspection data. In addition, it also gives asset owners insights into their assets’ performance over time.

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