The hook-up process consists of conducting the necessary connections and function tests for all the systems of an asset on the road to oil and gas production. It represents a critical stage in preparation for the first oil.
Commissioning involves the necessary systems tests to ensure that they are all in good operating conditions or, if this is not the case, to detect any faults or potential improvements that could be tackled before the handover. Once completed, verified, and signed off, commissioning dossiers will form part of the final transferral to the client’s operations, also known as “take-over”.
Our HUC services include the following and various other auxiliary services:
- Project management
- Procurement
- Warehousing
- Onshore and marine logistics
- Personnel staffing
- Safe lifting operations
- Rigging
- Instrumentation
- Welding, electrical, and mechanical works
- Dynamic commissioning of system packages
Our team can manage the project from the launch phase to its completion, starting from procurement and engineering services all the way to the final commissioning process.
This approach has safety benefits thanks to our enhanced control over the activities, along with remarkable cost advantages. It maximises onshore pre-commissioning, which translates to minimal offshore HUC hours.
Safety is key, so our system ensures that commissioning progresses securely and orderly up to completion, the delivery, and beyond.